September 20, 2021 September 20, 2021Categories Ongoing TrialsOngoing Trial: The INDICATE trial is testing ways to personalize treatment for men with prostate cancer that returns after surgeryThe study will assess if PET/CT scans can help identify patients who may have better outcomes from adding customized therapy to standard-of-care treatment
June 24, 2021 June 24, 2021Categories New TrialsNow Enrolling: Clinical trial EA8184 is exploring if green tea extract pills can help reduce the progression of prostate cancerThis study will evaluate the effects and safety of green tea catechins in men on active surveillance for prostate cancer
March 3, 2021 March 3, 2021Categories Trial ResultsTrial Results: Recent ECOG-ACRIN researchOver the last several months, ECOG-ACRIN researchers have published the results of at least seven clinical trials