Trial Results: With E1912, there is a new standard of care for the initial treatment of patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia
October 14, 2019Dr. Debby Olusa: My tribute to researchers
October 14, 2019Yvonne McLean Florence: Expressing appreciation for cancer researchers
An open letter to the ECOG-ACRIN Cancer Research Group during breast cancer awareness month
My name is Yvonne McLean Florence and I am writing to ‘thank you’ for the hard work you have done as cancer researchers to bring innovative treatments for breast cancer.
As a breast cancer survivor, I have benefited first hand from receiving lifesaving treatments. Additionally, as the Founder and President of Sisters R Us, a nonprofit organization, I get to work in the community. As a result, I get to hear some amazing and not so amazing stories from individuals impacted by a diagnosis of cancer. For the individuals living with metastatic cancers, it is extremely important for them to get better treatment. If anyone can give them hope, it is you because research saves lives!
I close my letter with one ask: Please continue to conduct cancer research because it is appreciated by individuals who are currently living with ‘no evidence of disease” and very much needed for those living with metastatic disease.
Warmest regards,
Yvonne McLean Florence
Founder/President/Patient Advocate
Sisters R Us Circle of Survivors, Inc.