June 7, 2020 June 7, 2020Categories New TrialsNow Enrolling: The CompassHER2 pCR trial is determining if certain patients with early-stage HER2 positive breast cancer may benefit from reduced chemotherapyThe purpose of this study is to find out if some patients with early-stage HER2 positive breast cancer can safely be treated with less chemotherapy than is generally used.
February 9, 2020 February 9, 2020Categories New TrialsNow Enrolling: Trial EA4181 is comparing three different chemotherapy treatments for newly diagnosed mantle cell lymphomaRight now, researchers do not know the ideal treatment for people with newly diagnosed mantle cell lymphoma.
October 14, 2019 October 14, 2019Categories New TrialsNow Enrolling: Trial EAZ171 is addressing an important survivorship issue…neuropathy in African American women with breast cancerRecently Activated: Trial EAZ171 is addressing an important survivorship issue...neuropathy in African American women with breast cancer.